The Homeschool America Inc. is a statewide and state-to-state member supported non-profit 501(c)3 Educators Resource organization dedicated to serving the unique challenges of home school children and their families within Wisconsin and the United States for the express purpose of providing service programs to parents and families, and facility support including, but not limited to:

  • To promote physical health, fitness, wellness, educational enrichment programs and healthy lifestyle choices for the purpose of strengthening families.
  • To assist parents, churches, and community organizations in the facility use of and assistance with coordinating youth programs, family and senior activities that cultivate positive attitudes and leadership capabilities for all students, families and members of the community.
  • To promote sound, high-quality home-based education programs by parents or legal guardians for the purpose of developing character, intellect, physical and emotional growth needs of their children.
  • To encourage educational growth and accountability for home schooling parents by offering seminars, workshops, lectures, counseling, coaching, guidance and networking.
  • To provide yearly “special needs” grant awards for homeschool children with mild to severe learning disabilities.
  • To provide undergraduate scholarships for homeschool children who desire to further their education through Vocational/Technical Certificate programs or college/university programs.
  • Our major Educators facility emphasis is placed on providing youth programs, family development, educator resources, learning tools and equipment, scholarship programs and physical fitness programs to develop positive attitudes and strong leadership skills for all home educated children, their families and members of the community.

The major source of income for Homeschool America programs and facilities include program fees, membership fees, campus store sales, foundation grants, private donations and fundraising. It is our goal to generate 94% of our operating income from earned revenues produced by the various programs. The remaining balance comes from donations and grants. We believe this percentage of earned revenue will ensure a balanced budget and financial stability.
The Resource Center expense categories include: management and general, program services, scholarship and fundraising expense. Our organization seeks to ensure that the maximum of each dollar contributed is used wisely for God’s Glory and goes to your designated program choice. Funds received that do not have a designation choice will be placed in the program area of greatest need.

Our organization’s leadership focuses on Biblical stewardship principles, allowing it to be charitable to individuals that need assistance in family-oriented education programs.